22 Step Story Structure Cheat Sheet

The 22 steps and abbreviations for each:

  • SRND: Self-revelation, need, and desire.
  • GSW: Ghost and story world.
  • WN: Weakness and need.
  • IE: Inciting event.
  • DES: Desire.
  • AC: Ally or allies.
  • OM: Opponent and/or mystery.
  • FAO: Fake-ally opponent.
  • FRD: First revelation and decision.
  • HP: Hero’s Plan.
  • OP: Opponent’s plan.
  • ID: (Initial) Drive.
  • AA: Attack by ally.
  • HAD: Apparent defeat.
  • SRD: Second revelation and decision.
  • AR: Audience revelation.
  • TRD: Third revelation and decision.
  • GGD: Gate, gauntlet, visit to death.
  • FC: Battle: Final, decisive conflict.
  • HSR: Hero’s Self-revelation.
  • MD: Moral decision.
  • NE: New equilibrium.